
While I regularly post to many social media platforms, a lot of them (I’m looking at you, Facebook) are artificially restricting the reach of posts unless the page pays and I’m not going to pay to get people who already follow me to see my posts.

Additionally, some of my work, while I believe is clearly of a significant enough transformative nature to qualify as a "fair use" as far as copyright law is concerned, does place my various channels on publishing platforms like YouTube and Facebook in a potentially precarious position especially when enforcement is automated and further may be contested by the corporations which own the original works.  I have already received copyright strikes on YouTube which may suddenly result in the elimination of my channel entirely without any warning.

Therefore, if you like what I do, please sign up for occasional email updates and I’ll have a way to reach you if that happens and it also ensures you won’t miss out on big announcements or new productions.

If you are not yet subscribed, CLICK HERE its easy and free!  Thank you 🙏

Your friend,
Brendan aka Wizardhead