My name is Brendan Baldwin and I am a "multimedia artist" (musician, videographer, VFX enthusiast, software engineer, researcher, writer, philosopher), currently living in the beautiful and free state of Idaho.

Wizard at Work

I started writing software professionally back in the 20th century, way before most people were even aware of a thing called “the world wide web.” I have always been fascinated by the category of software encompassing generative programming, genetic algorithms, a-life and AI.

I have been an early stage employee working at several startup companies helping to bring (most of) them to successful exits. Nowadays my regular work is primarily in the open-source space, building tools to help independent developers and the next generation of startups succeed.

I created Wizardhead to channel my creative side and engage with the world beyond the tech industry. As I work more in the arts, I find my ambitions and ideas in this domain expanding and pulling me ever more irresistibly and irrevocably towards working on art projects full-time.

To make it possible for me to spend more time on art, I am actively experimenting with business models to make it sustainable.  This part is messy and new to me and I beg every one's pardon in advance as I try things out.